Texas Execution Information Center

Execution Report: Willis Barnes

Willis Barnes
Willis Barnes
Executed on 10 September 1999

Willis Jay Barnes, 51, was executed by lethal injection on 10 September 1999 in Huntsville, Texas for the robbery, rape, and murder of a woman in her home.

On 11 February 1988, Barnes, then 39, went to the home of Helen Greb, 84. Barnes first cut the telephone line, then broke the lock off the kitchen window and removed the screen. He then entered the residence. Once inside, Barnes beat Greb, raped her, and strangled her with his hands. He then stole two guns and a television set and left. According to the autopsy, Greb suffered 20 broken ribs, a broken back, a crushed chest, and numerous cuts.

The victim's body was discovered on 14 February by family members who became concerned about their unanswered telephone calls.

Police received information that Barnes sold the guns and television to his fence, Robert Davis. Davis identified Barnes to the police.

Barnes' life of crime began in 1982, when he started using cocaine. He had arrests for trespassing and breaking and entering. Then, in 1984, he was charged with burglarizing four residences and raping an elderly woman. He pleaded guilty to the burglaries and accepted four 30-year sentences, and the rape charge was dropped. Barnes served 3 years of his sentence before being released on parole in October 1987. At the time, early release of criminals who were considered nonviolent was common in Texas due to strict prison population caps imposed by U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice. Barnes was considered nonviolent because his only convictions were for property crimes. He had been out on parole for about four months when the murder was committed.

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